Westmount embraces asynchrony as a driving principle in defining giftedness; therefore modifications in the delivery of curriculum and selection of content and resources are of paramount importance. Asynchronous development – an uneven pattern of growth characterized by differing patterns and rates of intensity, interest and skill development – negates the typical singular dimension and linear developmental pattern most often described in curriculum scope and sequence (Hutton, 2013). In other words, Westmount’s content and curriculum delivery are modified to account for this asynchrony, thus affecting the way the school implements each of these instructional methods in particular circumstances.
Upcoming Events:
May ==> Incoming Grade 5 families – Grade 4/5 Transition Q & A Session at the MH, invitations will be emailed out to families.
June ==>Incoming Grade 5 students – Meet your New School and New Teacher, invitations will be emailed out to families.
Grade 6 students typically loop with their Grade 5 teachers.