Students who are gifted are capable of exceptional performance. They require comprehensive, specialized educational programming to develop and maximize their potential. Research supports that gifted students benefit from an environment with like-minded peers, being taught by empathetic teachers who have specialized training and experience.
At Westmount’s Elementary Campus, we follow Alberta Education’s program of studies ( Generally speaking, the pace of our instructional programming is meaning that curriculum is taught in 60 – 65% of the time it might take in a typical elementary school. Using an “inside out” approach, however, we strive to first know and honour our students and their individual learning needs. Curriculum delivery is differentiated based on students’ individual characteristics.
We value academic achievement, but find that it is best served by programming which places student need as its primary objective.
Alberta Education’s Program of Studies is augmented by providing students a variety of learning experiences that support the development of lifelong learning goals and aspirations. We also provide students with access to many, varied and advanced human and material resources with in and outside of the school.
At the Elementary Campus, our programming balances 4 key domains:
The Affective Curriculum: Teaching and supporting students to know, manage and advocate for themselves.
Social Responsibility: To think, feel and create together, to respect and include others, and to help the community.
Health and Wellness: To live in the moment, know their feelings and make healthy choices.
Academic Achievement: To wonder and explore, to engage in their learning, and to grow in their knowledge of how they learn.
We believe that by working towards an effective balance of these elements, we will teach, model and support the development of Awareness, Perspective and Resilience.